Current and future demand for skilled craftsmen necessitates an apprenticeship program that takes into consideration practices of one of the world’s oldest trades, along with instruction in new techniques, applications, technologies, and materials. The Southern California Cement Masons Joint Apprenticeship Program supports a world-class curriculum of instruction and on-the-job training for more than 300 apprentices annually. Union cement mason skills are honed with the most comprehensive apprenticeship training program in the industry.
Cement Mason journeymen are skilled in their craft as well as in working to bring in the job on time and within budget. Once an apprentice earns his journeyman status, his skill becomes an asset. This asset is most-needed and is recognized by all union contractors. Cement Mason journeymen are considered to be on the “upper-end” of the construction industry wage and benefits scale. Apprentices receive medical benefits and retirement funding as they progress.
The Apprentice
A Cement Mason apprentice can expect an array of classes and on-the-job training to help develop marketable job skills while receiving hourly wages and benefits. Complete guidance can be expected during the development of skill, integrity, and subsequently pride of work
A cement mason apprentice can expect to work on a variety of construction projects. Some of the more notable construction projects worked on by union cement masons include Disneyland, Universal Studios, Southern California freeways, the Kodak Theatre, Library Tower, dams, bridges, school and government facilities, and hundreds more.
Given the diversity of projects, boredom as a cement mason is not likely.