Did you know the craftsmanship of a cement mason is one of the world’s most highly regarded skills?

A Local 500 cement mason’s craftsmanship is challenged on a daily basis while forming, sculpting, spraying, shaping, colorizing, texturizing, stamping, and smoothing wet concrete. This specialty necessitates newly learned processes along with skills that have been passed down for generations. In addition, a union cement mason from Local 500 is on the upper end of the construction pay and benefits scale. Becoming a union cement mason Local 500 is not a job, it’s a promising career that provides for individual and family independence as well as pride of work.

Local 500 Member Announcements

June 11, 2021


Dear Union Brothers and Sisters:

    I am please to announce that effective Thursday, July 1, 2021 Cement Masons Local Union No. 500 will reopen and resume regular business operation providing the pandemic tiers remain with the CDC guidelines. I would like to thank you for your patience during these past 16 months of having to conduct your Union business by telephone. I would also like to offer my deepest condolences to anyone who has lost a loved one due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

    Guidelines will still be implemented as you enter the office; your temperature will be checked upon entering. You will still need to wear a mask at all times while inside the office regardless if you have been vaccinated or not. Under no circumstances will cash be taken for payment of union dues whether you pay in the office or you pay a Business Agent in the field.

    Office hours will resume back to the normal schedule 6:00am-4:00pm Monday through Thursday and 6:00am-3:00pm on Friday; closing for the lunch hour 11:30am-12:30pm Monday thru Friday. Union meetings will also resume every second Thursday of the month, with the first meeting – July 8, 2021 at 6:00pm. Social distancing of at least 6-feet will be required and masks must be worn during the entire meeting, this is for your safety and the safety of your Local Union Officers and fellow union brothers and sister in attendance at the meeting.

    Should you have any questions regarding this notice, please feel free to contact the main office during normal business hours.

    As always I remain,

Fraternally yours,
Jack Alvarado
Financial Secretary / Business Manager
Cement Masons Local Union No. 500

See Original Letter from Jack Alvarado HERE